Acute or chronic, lower back pain is one of the most common symptoms prompting a doctor's visit. In fact, globally the burden of this disorder grows yearly. In 2016 alone, it contributed to 57.6 million of the totality of years lived with disability (YLD) worldwide (Shipton, Pain and Therapy, 2018). It is no wonder that lower back pain relief is a growing focus of health care providers. *Omron sponsored this post. I received compensation and an Omron Avail wireless TENS device for the purpose of this review. All stated thoughts and … [Read more...]
TENS Therapy Spotlighted During Pain Awareness Month
September is Pain Awareness Month. For those living with chronic conditions, or even those experiencing an episode of pain more acutely, the impacts are far-reaching. Personal desperation is not uncommon. Family and friends may feel helpless. Additionally, the workplace is often negatively affected. Nationally, the conversation around pain and the expanding use of opioid drugs is front and center. However, a viable solution, TENS therapy, remains unfamiliar to many. Omron sponsored this post. I received compensation and an Omron Avail … [Read more...]
A New Solution to Opioid Abuse- Plan Against Pain
This post is sponsored by Pacira and SheKnows Media. In January, BlogHer hosted their first BlogHer Health conference for for women influencers. The lineup highlighted mental disorders (my jam), migraine management, endometriosis, and a presentation from Pacira Pharmaceuticals entitled “The Operating Room: A Gateway to the Opioid Epidemic.” The message is a vital one and worth sharing, as it discussed how patients can be an advocate for their own health and can plan against pain. This subject is topical to society, but to me, it has … [Read more...]
What All Runners Need to Know About the runDisney Medical Team
After dozens and dozens of runDisney contests, it was my turn. Oh, I had attempted early on in the life of the franchise to volunteer as a medical volunteer, but the process was complicated and disjointed. In general, the runDisney volunteer process (for all positions) has greatly streamlined itself in the past couple of years. During the 2017 Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend, this princess turned physical therapist finally had the opportunity to trade in her running shoes for a stethoscope. Let me share what every runner should know about … [Read more...]
My Kingdom for a Comfortable Theme Park Shoe | A Floafers Review
**I received a pair of shoes to "test drive." All personal and professional opinions are completely my own, free of influence, and posted with full integrity. I could blame it on aging (hallux valgus), running (foot spread), or simply a lack of tolerance, but I have been SO challenged to find a comfortable theme park shoe this past decade. If you read this blog, you know I spend a fair amount of time in certain Disney Parks globally- Walt Disney World, Disneyland, and Disneyland Paris specifically. I am not alone. A typical Guest at Walt … [Read more...]